Tuesday, June 3, 2014

It Gets Worse Before It Gets BETTER!

Day 3 ~  
1st and foremost I would like to apologize for my technically challenged self. I had never put together an "interactive" blog so we are walking through it's creation together. For those who missed the description at the top of the blog: please send your email to bami.wood@gmail.com and I will send you an invitation to be an "author" This will provide you access to post. 
Brian and I have participated in a "Daniel Fast" on 2 separate occasions. What that particular fast looked like was similar to the "detox"portion of the "Daniel Plan." It's crazy as to how unprepared we are. Even when we know what to expect! 
Brian and I have had horrible headaches for the last 24 to 48 hrs. and tremendous lack of energy. 
Our knee jerk reaction would be to say that allergens must be high. But the reality is that we probably consume WAY more caffeine and sugar than either one of us realize. 
"Detox" is such a funny thing. No matter what we are detoxing. Whether it be our physical health by eating better and moving more. Our spiritual health by eliminating the things in our lives that bring us harm when we don't let God lead. We can detox our emotional selves by purging unhealthy relationships, setting healthy boundaries, knowing our worth, and truly leaning into God.
No matter what we are "detoxing" the fact remains: IT GETS WORSE BEFORE IT GETS BETTER. 
As we purge the things that block us from God. Those things that keeps us away from our BEST Selves. We feel the wrath of ALL that bad as it leaves our bodies minds and souls~ 
So if you too are suffering with headaches, cravings, doubt that you can do this, etc. STAY THE COARSE! That's why we are here. To support one another. "This too shall pass" and when it does we will feel Amazing!

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