Monday, June 16, 2014

Exercise is the RIGHT stuff!

Had to run to town early in this morning.  Well 9 AM is early for me!  Ha!  Banking, grocery store for a few items and then thought heck I’ve already got my work out clothes on why not just run by Curves and get a quick work out in, then I don’t have to go home and back to town again later!

So I got there at about 10:30 when they were finishing up the Zumba class (which I haven’t tried yet btw), and the place was packed.   Here are a few things I noticed when working out in the AM vs at 3:30 to 4:15 in the afternoon as I normally do.
  1.  I didn’t know anyone, since I usually go in the afternoon.  So although there was quite a bit of chit chatting like we do in the afternoon I didn’t really get into any conversations except with the owner just a bit.  First thing I noticed was I was paying more attention to my actual WORK out vs talking so much or working on the brain teasers puzzles with everyone.   I was sweating more too!  The only thing is the owner had the music turned way down and I prefer it blasted up!  Gets me more jazzed and into the work out.  :) She said these ladies like to talk more than work out.  teehee!   I could tell.   Told her I prefer to work out!  Especially on a good day when I’m feeling really energetic!
  2. I really felt better in the AM, had more energy physically and mentally plus had a lot of energy throughout the day AFTER the work out which is a good thing! 
  3. I didn’t have to go out in the HOT of the afternoon and I had my grocery shopping done early too!!!!  That means not being out when all the traffic picks up about 5 pm on 71!!    Yippee!  That’s a really good thing!  ha!
  4. During a conversation after with the owner I mentioned that I really like my afternoon girlies, our conversations hearing all the latest skuttle butt, and the fun we have figuring out the brain teasers together, laughing, etc.   She mentioned that all this actually raises our hormone levels. Of course we all know how beneficial a good belly laugh can be right?

My conclusion:   Well not quite sure yet, I’m torn between the morning and the afternoon now and may try AM for a while and see how it goes.   Doesn’t matter really as long as I’m working out 3 to 4 days a week.

I’ve been working out since our second son was 9 months old. I was 40 when I had him and would take him and all his baby stuff to a work out class at a church when we lived in West Virginia.  He would get fussy and start crying in his little baby seat so I’d have to pick up and leave.  Then I found a lady to care for him while I was working out because I was determined NOT to have any excuses to quit!

Well I continued to work out for the next 15 years!  Aerobics, step aerobics,  boot camps, classes, walking, kick boxing, etc at our local Recreational Center when we lived in Lake Jackson.   Clif would meet with me there too after work so we were both working out!   He also started running in the late 90’s and ran 10 marathons (Houston and Austin) within the next five years or so. He also did the MS 150 Bike ride from Houston to Austin twice.    

I worked out consistently up until I got sick in 2007 and couldn’t do much of anything.  I finally got back into doing something and started walking 3 miles 4 days a week in 2010 here in my neighborhood until one morning I left the house and started my walk and then fell on some construction material down the street from us and broke my wrist.  It was a real tragedy, very painful, ended up having surgery, took me over 9 months to heal with intense physicial therapy, and was out of walking for quite some time because I was afraid to walk on the streets here thinking I could fall again.

When I did get back to working out again I decided Curves for Women in Lakeway would be the best option and started in 2012 because I wanted a group environment to work out in. Personally I do better in a group where I have to actually get out of the house and go. I like the circuit work out and get in and out in 45 min or less.  Plus I can go as slow or fast as I want depending on how I feel that day and it’s a great work out when done on a consistent basis.  At least 3 days a week.

Bad news is that the owner of Curves franchise in Lakeway is selling the club.  If she doesn’t sell it the doors will be closed.  We like the way it is now but the new Curves International owners want to impose all sorts of rules on the franchises that she and we don’t want.  One of them is they bought out Jenny Craig and they want it in the club and for them to push this on their clients.  Personally I’m not interested in Jenny Craig.  They also are demanding them to bring in all the Curves apparel and push that on us too.   All this of course would be a big extra expense for the current owner.  All we want is to go there and work out. We don’t want all that other stuff.

Exercise raises your endorphin levels!  This is the feel good hormones, natural pain and stress fighters! How right does that sound?!  Cortisol levels go up too when we're under a lot of stress and that can also cause that fat around the belly...  Chronic stress and elevated cortisol levels also increase risk for depression, mental illness, and lower life expectancy. More on that later...

I’m praying and thinking about perhaps becoming certified in aerobics again so we can find out about starting an exercise class at PRF like they are doing at Saddleback church with the Daniel Plan.  Or perhaps start one here in Briarcliff using their community facility.  We could work out together to an exercise DVD (they even have Christian based work out DVD's) as long as we have someone certified at the class.  

Not sure about all the ramifications of putting togeher something like this or even who would be interested, when we'd have the classes, etc.   People would probably have to do a health assessment and fill out a form saying they have permission from their doctors if they have any health issues, heart, blood pressure, joints, etc. releasing the church for any liability.  I learned about this some years back when I got certified as a Personal Trainer at the Cooper Institute in Dallas.  

We could also invite people outside our church to bring them in! Who knows what could happen from a ministry such as this?   Is God leading me in this direction?   I’m looking into it and any feedback and all prayers from my PRF homies are always welcome!  :)

Enjoy the Journey!

Holistic Health Coach...
Gluten Free Lady

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