Years ago God showed me a clear picture of balance vs. human nature that I have shared with almost anyone who will listen. It seems that we want, pray for, and seek balance in just about everything we do. Yet we swing on the pendulum like monkeys moving from tree to tree.
Our all or nothing personalities, quick fix expectations, and what we feel is a "need" for immediate gratification has taken us so far from balance that we loose sight of what we want, pray for, and seek in the first place.
As a nation when we don't like our far right president we slander and vote for the bipolar opposite. Then when their far left plan doesn't meet our expectation we praise the previous party and curse the current one.
When our churches are intimate and small issues seem to be exaggerated and personal. We may not feel full, satisfied, or successful so we work/push to grow. Yet when our churches are "mega" we are unsatisfied due to the lack of intimacy.
Now lets apply the formula to our physical health.
What side of the pendulum are we on and what are we seeking?
Are we shooting for the middle?
Or are we 300lbs setting our goal @100lbs within 6 weeks. Willing a ready to do anything to meet our goal.
Why are we continuously so surprised when we "fail," "crash and burn," or are genuinely confused about why this didn't work and/or last?
I think we should take a closer look at the middle.
It seems that could just be where God puts all the balance we seek.
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